
51 Criminal Suspects Publicly Shamed & Sentenced in Henan

A criminal suspect is paraded in public with a sign around his neck showing his name and crime.

A Henan city in China tries 51 criminal suspects in public.

On March 31st, in Xiangcheng City, Zhengkou, Henan, local officials and residents gathered together to hold a spring-time “Promotion of Crackdown and Rectification” meeting in which 51 criminal suspects were publicly brought before the court to receive judgement for their crimes.

The suspects, roped together with signs around their neck identifying them as suspects and by name, were all charged with seriously disturbing the public order. By the end of the proceedings, 10 were publicly sentenced for their crimes.

A city in Henan publicly shamed and sentenced 51 criminal suspects in a spring "crackdown," while netizens question the legality and morality of the proceedings

Comments from NetEase:

易安君主 [网易江苏省网友]:

Although they committed crimes, I still sympathize and pity them; completely without human rights! Treated just like performing monkeys!

易安君主 [网易江苏省网友]:

If they put so much energy into cracking down on corrupt officials, a strong country with rich people would just be around the corner!

hujingsong00 [网易江苏省南京市网友]:

A barefaced insult to human dignity.

sigp226 [网易天津市河西区网友]:

Criminal suspects before they receive judgement are not criminals. May the mighty police please respect human rights.


Where are the human rights?

网易河南省郑州市网友 (responding to above):

Don’t go on talking about human rights, criminals must accept severe punishment. A few people above said they [the police] are not respecting human rights, I want to ask you, do you know what human rights are? When [the criminals] murder, commit arson, rob, rape, extort, swindle, and bully ordinary people, did they consider human rights? When they kill your family, will you still say the cops aren’t respecting their human rights? What the fuck is this bullshit, even saying the police aren’t respecting human rights. It seems to me you’re all a fucking bunch of hypocritical self-righteous animals!

joey0888 [网易福建省厦门市网友] (responding to above):

Above, it seems to me you’ll die before you understand one thing. The harm of personal crimes is always small, whereas the harm in unrestrained public power is massive. When you use public power to to treat individuals (even criminals) you must first of all be lawful, because no one has the power on their own to fight against public power. Using the illegal to crack down on the illegal, is more frightening than the illegal itself. Because then no one will be safe.

足彩圣推 [网易广东省广州市番禺区网友]:

Human rights? Legal procedure?

清风泛舟 [网易广东省网友]:

Although they [the criminals] are repulsive, what you [Henan officials] are doing is far more disgusting. Criminals also have human rights, please don’t insult this bottom line.

混WY十年都不显示 [网易山东省聊城市网友]:

The public safety/justice system sure works fast!!

What do you think? Do you think public shaming works?

A city in Henan publicly shamed and sentenced 51 criminal suspects in a spring "crackdown," while netizens question the legality and morality of the proceedings

A city in Henan publicly shamed and sentenced 51 criminal suspects in a spring "crackdown," while netizens question the legality and morality of the proceedings

Source: NetEase


Written by Joel

Joel is a reclusive writer based in Shanghai who took up blogging as a hobby one summer and never looked back. Former editor of Shanghaiist.


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