
Sex Education Class For Beijing Elementary Schoolchildren

3rd grade students in Beijing, China use backpacks to experience one of the hardships of pregnancy.

3rd grade students in Beijing, China use backpacks to experience one of the hardships of pregnancy.

From QQ & Mop, & XiCi:

Beijing primary school students experience “fertilization” in sex education class

Third grade students in Beijing during a sex education class.
December 9th, at the Hepingli No. 1 Primary School in Dongcheng district of Beijing, during a sexual health education class, the teacher uses a game to teach students how a "sperm" and "ovum" unite after going through multiple obstacles, and even allows them to experience the hardships of a mother's ten month pregnancy.
An image of a sperm and ovum on a monitor in a Beijing third grade classroom.
December 9th, at the Hepingli No. 1 Primary School in Dongcheng district of Beijing, in the classroom during sex health education class.
A 3rd grade teacher teaches Chinese schoolchildren how sperm fertilize an egg during reproduction.
December 9th, at the Hepingli No. 1 Primary School in Dongcheng district of Beijing, elementary school students participate in a game during sex health education class.
Third-grade Chinese students crawl through a hole as "sperm" during their sex-ed class.
December 9th, at the Hepingli No. 1 Primary School in Dongcheng district of Beijing, students pretend to be "sperm" during a game.
A Chinese schoolgirl whispers into the ear of her classmate during sex education class.
December 9th, at the Hepingli No. 1 Primary School in Dongcheng district of Beijing, students pretending to be "sperm" after passing through an obstacle must also receive one last question they must answer correctly before they can "unite with the egg/ovum".
3rd grade students in Beijing, China use backpacks to experience one of the hardships of pregnancy.
December 9th, at the Hepingli No. 1 Primary School in Dongcheng district of Beijing, children use bookbags and backpacks to experience how inconvenient it was to move when their mothers were pregnant with them.

Comments from QQ:


I think it is pretty good. Rather than withholding and hiding it and then letting the children learn about sex from some unhealthy channels, it is better to have parents and society provide some proper guidance, teaching them how to protect others, how to protect themselves, to respect others, and to respect themselves!


Teacher, I want to demonstrate fertilization with you.


Our country’s sex education has apparently only taught people to use contraceptives…never putting any effort on the ideological aspect [of sex].


The leadership’s heads have been kicked by donkeys, having these kind of experiences in class, is there going to be homework after class too? I think children probably know more than you do in this regard!


Sex education is really necessary these days…otherwise children will be poisoned by television and the internet.


Hehe, being able to receive sex eduction when small indeed will mean they won’t be so curious about certain things when they grow up, but I personally feel this needs to go further. This is a long-term thing that must be done. Actually a lot of young relationships and sexual activity are just because of curiosity.


Isn’t it too early [for the children] to know about these things!?


Yeah, good, how come there weren’t these kind of classes when I was small? Sex education classes are very important!


●~ ……        ●~    ●~  ……      ●~    ●~     ●~ ●~ …… ●~ ●~
…… Brothers and sisters charge~! First place gets to be reincarnated into a human! …… ●~ ●~ ●~  ……
●~    ●~    ……        ●~    ●~    ……●~   ●~   ●~ ……
●~ ●~  ●~    ●~  ●~ ●~ ………Quick, turn back!……This person is masturbating!……  ~● ~● ~● ~● ~●   ~●  ~●~●  ……     ~●    ~● …… ~●


Conducting sex games with kids this small, truly pointless!

Comments from Mop:


Third grade??? Isn’t that too small???

If I had a child, I no doubt hope to guide him on this matter, but at 3rd grade it is a little difficult to accept.


Mommy says I came out of her armpits.


Shanzhai! A game that laowai nurseries have been playing since N years ago!




Should’ve [had sex education classes] long ago…when your child asks you where he came from, are we supposed to say they were found off the ground/out of the garbage?


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Written by Fauna

Fauna is a mysterious young Shanghainese girl who lives in the only place a Shanghainese person would ever want to live: Shanghai. In mid-2008, she started chinaSMACK to combine her hobby of browsing Chinese internet forums with her goal of improving her English. Through her tireless translation of popular Chinese internet news and phenomenon, her English has apparently gotten dramatically better. At least, reading and writing-wise. Unfortunately, she's still not confident enough to have written this bio, about herself, by herself.


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