
Chinese Woman Suffers Mental Breakdown after Forced Abortion

Gong Qifeng, diagnosed with schizophrenia and at least suffering from a mental breakdown following the forced abortion of her 7-month old baby.

Gong Qifeng, diagnosed with schizophrenia and at least suffering from a mental breakdown following the forced abortion of her 7-month old baby.

From QQ:

Hunan Pregnant Woman Suffers Mental Breakdown After 7-Month-Old Pregnancy Forcibly Aborted

2011 November 1, at 5pm, Gong Qifeng, who was already over 7-months pregnant, was given an injection to induce labor at the Hunan Province Lianyuan City Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine. After 30 hours of staggering pain, she and her husband Wu Yongyuan met their now dead child, which was put into a white plastic bag by the nurses. According to Wu Yongyuan’s recollection, one month after the induced birth, his wife began to have strange behavior such as biting people and being afraid of going out. 2013 June 14, Gong Qifeng was determined to be suffering hallucinations. Zhaoyang City Brain Hospital meanwhile diagnosed Gong Qifeng with schizophrenia. For over a year now, Wu Yongyuan has been petitioning [higher government authorities]. He told the reporters of this article that his wife’s mental condition was caused by the forced childbirth, and hoped that the local government could give him an explanation [restitution]. 2013 July, he received a reply from the Lianyuan City Petition Office: It couldn’t be proved that the mental disorder had anything to do with the labor induction. Picture [above] is of Gong Qifeng who is no longer mentally normal.

Wu Yongyuan is pointing at the hill where Wu Jiazhen is buried.

Wu Yongyuan and wife are residents of Lianyuan City Anping Town, the couple running a small business in downtown Lianyuan City, living in a rented apartment at Lianyuan City Gongnong Road No.35 Building No.3. Before the second child was even born, Wu Yongyuan had already thought up a name for him: Wu Jiazhen. However, the forced abortion ended this plan. Picture is of Wu Yongyuan pointing at the hill where Wu Jiazhen is buried.

The hospital bed of Lianyuan City Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine in which Gong Qifeng stayed.

According to Wu Yongyuan, on 2011 November 1, after finding that his wife missing, he immediately ran downstairs, and saw his wife being dragged into a gray van by some people. The “Medical Diagnosis Certificate of Lianyuan City Family Planning Service Station” shows that on the day of 2011 November 1, Gong Qifeng showed up at the Lianyuan City Family Planning Service Station. On that day, Lianyuan City Anping Town Family Planning Service Station employee Zhou Haibo, Liu Xiangyong, and Wu Tanqing were also at Lianyuan City Family Planning Service Station. Picture is of Gong Qifeng’s hospital bed at Lianyuan City Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

The rental house in Lianyuan City where is suspected to be the place from where Gong Qifeng was taken.

On that day, Gong Qifeng had a check up at the family planning service station. The examination result show: ”Intrauterine pregnancy over 7 months, fetus alive”. According to the diagnosis certificate, the service station suggested Gong Qifeng to have the operation at another hospital, along with a hand-written signature of “Cadre Wu Tanqing confirms”. Wu Yongyuan went to the family planning service station with haste, and was informed that his wife had already been sent to the Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine for labor induction. Wu rushed to the Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine. But he was too late. His wife had already been injected. Picture is of the rented house in Lianyuan City, where Gong Qifeng was allegedly abducted.

The operation agreement that Lianyuan City Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine issued for the labor induction on Gong Qifeng.

As for why [the hospital] would perform a forced abortion on a woman over 7-months pregnant, President Hu of Lianyuan Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine says: ”In past years, things may not have been done in ways that weren’t really in accordance with the rules/regulations, including going to people’s homes [doing things by force], but this kind of thing now essentially no longer exists.” Picture is of the agreement to have Lianyuan City Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine induce labor for Gong Qifeng.

Lianyuan City Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Lianyuan City Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Comments from QQ:

腾讯合肥市网友 天娇:

Our country should pay reparations for this, the people involved should be dismissed. There is no difference between this and murder.

腾讯深圳市网友 神马都是浮云:

7 months old, is already a complete human being within the belly, he could even live if was born. Is it not counted as murder since he was still in the belly? A mother witnessing other people killing her own son, her mental state must be traumatized. What proof do you have to say that it was not a mental disorder caused by the forced labor induction? A bunch of inhuamne bastards. Who give you the right to murder? The baby could’ve been a living human being.

腾讯网友 草原上空的云:

If not forcibly aborted, should we just let them give birth? If everyone does this, what would the country be like??? Having more children than allowed, don’t tell me they bear no responsibility themselves?? The family planning office wasn’t in the wrong! Currently, what China lacks is precisely such serious people! Though they are cursed, they are respectable!!

腾讯石河子市网友 。印記: (responding to above)

How about we have your 7-month-old child be forcibly aborted as well?! [Please] Talk like a human!

腾讯深圳市网友 平平淡淡: (responding to 草原上空的云)

I won’t curse the family planning office, I curse the first floor [commenter 草原上空的云]: Beast!!!

腾讯重庆市网友 直呼其名: (responding to 草原上空的云)

The first floor is a SB, you should read the Law of Family Planning before you speak, see if there’s anything allowing forced abortions in the law and then speak!
First of all: The law enforcers were enforcing the law in an illegal manner. Then, the hospital did this inhumane operation without her family members’ signature. Do you think it was right?
The most fundamental reason is our country [government] is using family planning to make money, don’t you fucking understand?!
If our country’s goal was not about making money, they could totally have family planning written into the constitution.
If the constitution stipulates that people can’t have a second child, it would be like the constitution making murder illegal, where no matter if someone is rich or not and as long as they’re not crazy, everyone wouldn’t dare do such a thing!
But the current condition just so happens to be that the family planning law is a basic law, where as long as one has the money to pay for the fine, one can even have 20 children without a problem. Don’t tell me this still doesn’t make it obvious what the problem is?

腾讯网友 安安:

If I was her husband, I’d grab a kitchen knife and kill those TMD beasts in the family planning office.

腾讯湘潭市网友 坐井观天:

I think she deserved it. Our country’s population is already too huge, and her family situation is not impressive, why would she force herself to have a second child? It’s irresponsible to society, also irresponsible to her child, all for her own selfishness. This kind of behavior of having more babies than allowed simply needs to be forcibly put an end to! Well done. The truly irresponsible ones are this couple. They clearly knew the law is clear on this, clearly knew the society repeatedly promotes fewer and healthier births, and still they challenged [the law] with hopes of getting lucky. Deserved it!

腾讯网友 諰唸ㄋ誰↖: (responding to above)

You can fucking go die.

腾讯网友 ~等那没可能的: (responding to above)

If I was in the family planning office, I’d take everyone who was pregnant in 坐井观天’s family and forcibly abort them, and make his family line die off without descendents!

腾讯咸阳市网友 刹娜之间: (responding to 坐井观天)

Why didn’t your dad ejaculate you onto the wall?

腾讯菏泽市网友  努力,向上,: (responding to 坐井观天)

You work in that hospital, right? Or you must be in league with that hospital.

腾讯网友  ╰Summer╰←: (responding to 坐井观天)

7 month [fetus] is also a life. The fetus in the belly is protected by the law when it is 6 months old.

腾讯湛江市网友 小幺鸡•••: (responding to above)

I reckon if he only has one child in the future, and that child dies, would he regret that he didn’t have a second child? Would he blame the country for only allowing [one family to have] one child? And regret that he ever said such terrible things?

腾讯网友 手机已停机:

The child was already 7 months old, and still they dragged her away to induce labor, just where is the humanity…

腾讯网友 武夷゛﹏锥栗:

Fuck~ Is there still any bit of humanity left? A thing only a beast would do… Would you be able to bear other people doing this to your wife?

腾讯网友 Pig lost hap:

Does this count as a double murder? Bring the murderers to justice, give the victims an explanation/rectification!

腾讯网友 明天安好:

So inhuman. If I was the victim I’d take revenge on society with what they did to me.


Written by Peter Barefoot

Peter is a born and raised Chengdunese who enjoys drinking with all his friends.


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