
Shanghai University Campus Beauty 5 Dates Every Week

Shanghai University campus belle.

From QQ:

Girl claims to be Shanghai University campus beauty, five dates with male netizens each week

Below is the text this girl posted:

The boys in the school all like to kiss me, and I do not have the heart to refuse them, so I just treat it as kissing practice.

Now when I take photographs, I also like to pout, and with the addition of my long beautiful legs, I am still very attractive for netizens.

Pretty much 5 dates with boys and netizens during each 7 day week, what can I do? And going to hotels, so tiring.

Everyday I have to change my style, make myself up, so bothersome. However, I am still very pleased with myself.

Everyone give me some ideas. First show-off myself. I am a Shanghai University campus beauty. Remember that.

Shanghai University campus belle.

Shanghai University girl.

Chinese girl riding in passenger seat next to driver on mobile phone.

Pretty Shanghai University female student at her desk with peace sign.

Pretty Chinese girl in white top.

Cute Chinese girl wearing sunglasses.

Chinese girl with her Gucci purse.

Pretty Chinese girl sitting in car with sunglasses.

Sexy Chinese girl in a shopping mall.

Pretty Shanghai University girl holding her pink iPhone.

Cute Shanghai University student.

Sunglasses and bags, sitting on a couch.

Pretty Shanghai University schoolgirl.

Comments from QQ:


Just a campus whore, a public restroom that you use if you can.


Campus beauty, hehe. To be blunt, she treats herself like a high-end prostitute, those who agree support me. This girl, if your family were to see this post, tisk tisk, you’ll be in for it.


Dating is dating, who hasn’t dated before?
Does your going to hotels with others have anything to do with us? No, nothing to do with us.
You behaving like this will only let others think you are very disgusting.
There is nothing to show off with this. You should learn to be low-key.


How is it that our China’s several thousand years of traditional virtues have been discarded by you modern university students? And aren’t you too narcissistic? These days, is finding a good girl that still has some Chinese virtue really that difficult?


Good looks? Can that be sold for money? Idiot, I can pull anyone out at random and they would be better looking. And [you consider yourself] a campus beauty? A joke is more like it.
Sister, don’t show off too much, especially during the day, because you might scare people.


If it is really as you say, then let me tell you, you are the toilet paper in the restroom, used by others to wipe their ass after they have relieved themselves! Quite simply, a laughing stock. If you are doing this for publicity, I recommend you change methods, because this way others will look down on you, curse you as being cheap, and feel nauseous when seeing you! When you have nothing to do, I recommend you go to the side of the street and when you see an old lady crossing the road, go and help her across the road, and if you’re lucky, you will be caught on film by some media, maybe even given a Shanghai City Good Citizen Award, with your school also making you a model student or something! How much better that would be! Right? Actually, it is enough/better to just behave like a normal person, not getting other people to look at you like they were looking at giant pandas. Of course, you’re not as cute as a giant panda…


Offended someone, right? This probably isn’t the actual/original person [in the pictures]. Just my personal feeling.


Just a campus whore~~~~where are you? Let brother fuck a few times too~~~~


O(∩_∩)O~ [She] is not bad! Although [she] would be even better if [she] were more low-key! However, self-proclaiming to be a campus beauty indeed reflects too poorly [on her]!
Gone crazy wanting become famous.


Actually there are no inherently famous people in the world, those who are cursed a lot also become famous people.

Shanghai University girl and her Chanel sunglasses case.

Campus beauties. chinaSMACK personals.


Written by Fauna

Fauna is a mysterious young Shanghainese girl who lives in the only place a Shanghainese person would ever want to live: Shanghai. In mid-2008, she started chinaSMACK to combine her hobby of browsing Chinese internet forums with her goal of improving her English. Through her tireless translation of popular Chinese internet news and phenomenon, her English has apparently gotten dramatically better. At least, reading and writing-wise. Unfortunately, she's still not confident enough to have written this bio, about herself, by herself.


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